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steady solution中文是什么意思

用"steady solution"造句"steady solution"怎么读"steady solution" in a sentence


  • 稳定解


  • Steady solution and its stability of nonlinear schr dinger equation
  • Employing euler based steady solution and piston theory , a new method ( we call it local piston theory in this paper ) to solve supersonic or hypersonic unsteady loads has been developed
  • Firstly , choose an appropriate solution system to make a steady solution , and then limn2o4 film precursor was prepared on stainless steel by spin coating method with the solution
  • The 2d and 3d multigrid methods for compressible euler and navier - stokes equations were studied . the jameson ' s finite volume method and runge - kutta time stepping scheme were employed to obtain a convergent steady solution on structural grid
    在二维euler方程、二维薄层n - s方程、三维euler方程和三维薄层n - s方程的数值计算中研究运用了高效率的多重网格法计算技术。
  • The steady solution of nonlinear ship motions in oblique seas can be gained by adopting the new technique presented in this thesis . this work promotes the application of theoretical prediction methods of nonlinear ship motions and wave loads
  • In order to accelerate the convergence speed , we employ the local time step , and implicit residual smoothing methods . finally , we use this method to get the steady solution of the flow around naca0012 and naca4412 airfoil at very low speed and some basic unsteady solution
用"steady solution"造句  
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